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Aleksandra Gieraga
A.Gieraga,from the cycle: Picture with the black background, 150 x 320 cm, 2007 | A.Gieraga, 4 paintings, each: 175 x 220 cm, 2010-2012 | A.Gieraga, 150 x 200 cm ,acrylic on canvas ojects, 2011-12, |
A.Gieraga, 4 paintings, each: 175 x 220 cm, 2010-2012 | A.Gieraga | A.Gieraga 120 x 200, acrylic, canvas, objects, |
A,Gieraga | A.Gieraga |
Image of painting ,
Miejska Galeria Sztuki,
(Ośrdek Propagandy Sztuki)
Lodz, Poland
27. 04 -20 .05 2012
Group exhibition:
Małgorzata Borek
Dariusz Fiet
Aleksandra Gieraga
Wojciech Leder
Robert Rabiega
This exhibition was held thanks to the initiative of Wojciech Leder.
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